Here (right), Kay wears a changeable/iridescent circa 1840 Day Dress with a large collar and day cap. This dress was inspired by one of the same style in Tasha Tudor’s collection (shown below). The ruching is a fashionable detail a lady could achieve without the expense of manmade trims, and the long, pointed bodice and back closure are details typical of the 1840s.

Kelly and her young daughter, Brenna, (left) are recreating the image of the original tintype 1850s photo below. Our image was also taken with a camera from the 1860s using the traditional tintype method. Kelly models a low, open neckline and short sleeves on this silk ballgown.

Brenna (left) at 16 months, wears a pure white cotton (easily washed with hot water and cleansers) baby dress in a style that was used from the 1830s to the 1860s. This long length was typical for children under two years of age; after two their skirts would be very short to allow them to walk and play. Babies of both genders were dressed in white when they were young. Even as they got older, boys dressed identically to girls until about age five wearing skirts, petticoats, and, with some mothers, stays.
As an interesting aside, one way you can tell a young boy from a young girl (look at old family pictures if you have them) is the part of the hair. In the 19th century and into the early 20th, boys and men parted their hair on the side; girls and women parted theirs in the center.

We can custom-make many other beautiful styles for you. Please contact us with your ideas!